Hosts page displays a list of all hosts and services loaded from configured sLS datasources. For non-super-admin, this is a readonly page mainly exists to show which hosts are available, and host information available.

If you are MCA super-admin, you can edit the host information and override Measurement Archive endpoints by clicking the pencil button on the right / top corner.

- toolkit_url: If toolkit_url is set to “auto”, perfSonar maddash will use hostname of this record to auto-generate the URL that links back to the toolkit instance on maddash matrix view. If you use custom URL for your toolkit instance, change it to the real URL.
- No Agent: (As commented in UI)
- MA Overrides: If this toolkit instance should send test results to MA (Measurement Archives) other than the one that’s running locally to this instance please select the central MA to be used by this instance.