Please note that none of the steps in this document should be performed on production hosts. These are solely intended for development or testing hosts and may result in your host running unstable software.
The perfSONAR project traditionally does public release candidate testing prior to major new releases. These are announced on the mailing lists when available. Participating in release candidates is open to anyone and feedback generated from these tests helps the development team formulate the best possible final release. You can help with testing by going through one or more of the following test scenarios:
You may consult the testing checklist to help guide your testing. For full instructions on how to get release candidate packages and ISOs, see the sections below.
You may download the latest release candidate ISOs at the following URL :
Once downloaded you may follow the instructions at Toolkit Full Install Guide or Toolkit NetInstall Guide for step-by-step instructions on installing the software.
These instructions will work on both CentOS 6 and CentOS 7
You can test CentOS bundle installation by first pointing your existing CentOS installation at the perfSONAR main yum repository (if not already):
CentOS 6:
rpm -hUv http://software.internet2.edu/rpms/el6/x86_64/main/RPMS/Internet2-repo-0.6-1.noarch.rpm
CentOS 7:
rpm -hUv http://software.internet2.edu/rpms/el7/x86_64/main/RPMS/Internet2-repo-0.7-1.noarch.rpm
Next, install the staging yum repository where test versions of the software are kept. You may set this up with the following command:
yum install Internet2-repo-staging
Once you are pointing at the staging repository you may follow the steps at Installation of CentOS Bundles to choose and configure your bundle.
If you have auto-updates enabled, once you point your host at the staging repository, you will automatically get any new test packages that are added within 24 hours.
You can test upgrades of any existing CentOS-based perfSONAR installation by first pointing your existing CentOS installation at the perfSONAR staging yum repository and then running yum update:
yum install Internet2-repo-staging
yum update
If you have auto-updates enabled, once you point your host at the staging repository, you will automatically get any new test packages that are added within 24 hours
The release candidate packages for Debian can be found in the source lists below for their respective Debian versions:
You may install the appropriate source list as follows for Debian 7 (Wheezy):
cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
wget http://downloads.perfsonar.net/debian/perfsonar-wheezy-4.0.list
wget -qO - http://downloads.perfsonar.net/debian/perfsonar-debian-official.gpg.key | apt-key add -
Likewise for Debian 8 (Jessie):
cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
wget http://downloads.perfsonar.net/debian/perfsonar-jessie-4.0.list
wget -qO - http://downloads.perfsonar.net/debian/perfsonar-debian-official.gpg.key | apt-key add -
Once installed you may proceed to follow the steps in Installation on Debian to complete the installation.
If you have auto-updates enabled, once you point your host at the staging repository, you will automatically get any new test packages that are added within 24 hours
You may test upgrades of perfSONAR Debian packages by following the steps to setup the Debian repository in the previous section. Once completed run the following to upgrade:
apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade