Upgrading from pre-4.2.0 versions


If you are upgrading from an older version of MCA to the new PWA, you may want to do a clean install and manually copy any configuration settings you have changed over to the new PWA config.

Files that have changed/that you need to change

  • /etc/mca or /etc/pwa moves to /etc/perfsonar/psconfig-web

  • within /etc/perfsonar/psconfig-web:

    • index.js

      • change the name of the mongo db. The old name was mca, new is pwa – if you want to start completely fresh, leave this as pwa. if you want to retain your configs, change this back to mca to use your existing database.

    • shared/mca.ui.js moves to shared/pwa.ui.js

      • update the url path from ../api/mca to ../api/pwa

      • change the title from “MeshConfig Admin” to “pSConfig Web Admin”

    • shared/auth.ui.js

      • change title to “PWA Authentication Service”

      • change logo_400_url to images/pscweb_logo.png

You will also need to add the new pwa role to each user:

docker exec -it sca-auth /app/bin/auth.js modscope --username user --add '{"pwa": ["user"]}'

To make them an admin:

docker exec -it sca-auth /app/bin/auth.js modscope --username user --add '{"pwa": ["admin"]}'