Test and Tool Reference


Everything in pScheduler begins with requesting a test which in turn will be carried-out by a tool. When you run the pscheduler task command the first required argument is the test type and all arguments that follow are dependent on the type of test. The document aims to give you a list of tests and their corresponding tools provided by a default pScheduler installation on perfSONAR. It also tries to give an idea of the options available in each and other important details.


This document highlights the list of test types and tools installed by default when installing pScheduler with perfSONAR. It is possible for others to write their own test and tool plug-ins so this list may not be exhaustive of all tests and tools available.

Test Types



Measure the clock difference between hosts





Network testing of throughput and Read/Write speeds


curl, globus



Measure DNS transaction time





Measure HTTP response time





Measure one-way latency and associated statistics between hosts





Continuously measure one-way latency and associated statistics between hosts and report back results periodically





Measure the round trip time and related statistics between hosts





Used primarily for testing, sends a simple “HELLO” message between two hosts using TCP





A test to measure the observed speed of a data transfer and associated statistics between two endpoints


iperf3, iperf2, nuttcp



A test to measure the throughput of S3 web service storage





Trace the path between IP hosts


traceroute, tracepath, paris-traceroute

Test Classifications

Each test classified in one of four categories that determines what other tests can be run in parallel:

  1. Exclusive - An example is a throughput task. If you have very little whitespace in this category then you may have difficulty finding a timeslot for new tests. These test can run in parallel only with background tests.

  2. Normal - An example is a task with a test type of latency.

  3. Background Single-Result - Background tests that produce single result. Example test types include rtt and trace or clock. These tests can run in parallel with anything else.

  4. Background Multi-Result - Background tests that produce multiple (streaming) results. Example test type is latencybg. It is not uncommon to have this column look almost entirely solid if you have latencybg tasks since they run continuously. These tests can run in parallel with anything else.

  5. Non-Starting - These are runs that could not find a time-slot. A very important note, and common point of confusion, is that the time shown is the earliest possible time in the slot it was trying to schedule. This IS NOT the time when the scheduler tried to find a slot, failed and labelled it as a non-start. pScheduler uses a schedule horizon so likely attempted to schedule the run 24 hours in advance. A large number of runs in this category may be the indication of a busy host where it is difficult for exclusive tasks to find a timeslot.

  6. Preempted - These runs were preempted by another with higher priority.

You may visualize different types of tests using pscheduler plot-schedule command. See also Visualizing the Schedule with pscheduler plot-schedule.

You can know which scheduling class a test belongs to by running the pscheduler plugins tests command.

throughput Tests

Throughput tests support the following arguments:

pscheduler task throughput --help
Usage: task [task-options] throughput [test-options]
 -h, --help            show this help message and exit
 -s SOURCE, --source=SOURCE
                       Sending host
                       pScheduler node on sending host, if different
                       Receiving host
                       pScheduler node on receiving host, if different
 -t DURATION, --duration=DURATION
                       Total runtime of test
 -i INTERVAL, --interval=INTERVAL
                       How often to report results (internally, results still
                                               reported in aggregate at end)
 --link-rtt=LINK_RTT   Approximate link round-trip time (ISO8601 or integer
                       How many parallel streams to run during the test
 -u, --udp             Use UDP instead of TCP testing
 -b BANDWIDTH, --bandwidth=BANDWIDTH
                       Bandwidth to rate limit the test to, supports SI
                       notation such as 1G
 --bandwidth-strict    Never go faster than --bandwidth, even to make up for
                                               lost time.
                       Limit bursts of packets to this number
 -w WINDOW_SIZE, --window-size=WINDOW_SIZE
                       TCP window size to use for the test, supports
                       SI notation such as 64M
 -m MSS, --mss=MSS     TCP maximum segment size
 -l BUFFER_LENGTH, --buffer-length=BUFFER_LENGTH
                       length of the buffer to read/write from
 --ip-tos=IP_TOS       IP type-of-service octet (integer)
                       Specify which IP version to use, 4 or 6
                       Use this as a local address for control and tests
 -O OMIT, --omit=OMIT  Number of seconds to omit from the start of the test
 --no-delay            Set TCP no-delay flag, disables Nagle's algorithm
                       Set TCP congestion control algorithm
 --zero-copy           Use a 'zero copy' method of sending data
                       Set the IPv6 flow label, implies --ip-version 6
                       Set's the sending side's CPU affinity
                       Set's the receiving's side's CPU affinity
 --single-ended        Run a test directly to a host without pscheduler.
                       Run a test directly to a given port.
 --reverse             Reverses the direction of the test.
                       Make connections from destination to source where
 --loopback            Run both client and server side in a loopback test.

The currently supported throughput tools are iperf2, iperf3, and nuttcp. iperf3 is the default. Note that not every tool supports every option. The following table summarizes tool specific option. Other pScheduler options are supported by all tools.












latency Tests

Latency tests support the following arguments:

pscheduler task latency --help
Usage: task [task-options] latency [test-options]
 -h, --help            show this help message and exit
 -s SOURCE, --source=SOURCE
                       The address of the entity sending packets in this test
                       The address of the source pScheduler node, if different
 -d DEST, --dest=DEST  The address of the entity receiving packets in this test
                       The address of the destination pScheduler node, if different
 -c PACKET_COUNT, --packet-count=PACKET_COUNT
                       The number of packets to send
                       The number of seconds to delay between sending packets
                       The number of seconds to wait before declaring a
                       packet lost
                       The size of padding to add to the packet in bytes
 -C CTRL_PORT, --ctrl-port=CTRL_PORT
                       The port to use for making a control connection to the
                       side acting as a server.
 -P DATA_PORTS, --data-ports=DATA_PORTS
                       The port range to use on the side of the test running
                       the client. At least two ports required.
 -T IP_TOS, --ip-tos=IP_TOS
                       The port range to use on the side of the test running
                       the client. At least two ports required.
                       Force an IP version when performing the test. Useful
                       when specifying hostnames as source or dest that may
                       map to both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
 -b BUCKET_WIDTH, --bucket-width=BUCKET_WIDTH
                       The bin size to use for histogram calculations. This
                       value is divided into the result as reported in
                       seconds and truncated to the nearest 2 decimal places.
 -f, --flip            In multi-participant mode, have the dest start the
                       client and request a reverse test. Useful in some
                       firewall and NAT environments.
 -r, --reverse         Report results in the reverse direction (destination
                       to source) if possible.
 --traverse-nat        Take steps to traverse outbound NAT
 -R, --output-raw      Output individual packet statistics. This will
                       substantially increase the size of a successful

The currently supported latency tools are owping (used by default) and twping. When using twping the destination (-d) can be any network device acting as a TWAMP Server and Session-Reflector, see RFC-5357 for more details (TWAMP Light is currently not supported by perfSONAR).

rtt Tests

RTT tests support the following arguments:

pscheduler task rtt --help
Usage: task [task-options] rtt [test-options]
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
 -c COUNT, --count=COUNT
                       Test count
 -d DEST, --dest=DEST  Destination host
                       Flow label
 --fragment            Allow packet fragmentation
 --no-fragment         Don't allow packet fragmentation
 --hostnames           Look up hostnames from IPs
 --no-hostnames        Don't look up hostnames from IPs
 -i INTERVAL, --interval=INTERVAL
                       Time to wait between packets sent
                       IP version to use
 -s SOURCE, --source=SOURCE
                       Source address or interface
                       Source pScheduler node, if different
 --suppress-loopback   Suppress multicast loopback
                       Don't suppress multicast loopback
 --ip-tos=IP_TOS       IP type-of-service octet (integer)
 --length=LENGTH       Packet length
 --ttl=TTL             Time to live
 --deadline=DEADLINE   Deadline for all measurements to complete
 --timeout=TIMEOUT     Timeout for each round trip
 --protocol=PROTOCOL   Protocol used to measure round trip time

The currently 2 supported protocols for RTT measurements are icmp and twamp. When using twamp you need to make sure that the destination (-d) is a TWAMP Server and Session-Reflector, see RFC-5357 for more details (TWAMP Light is currently not supported by perfSONAR).

trace Tests

Trace tests support the following arguments:

pscheduler task trace --help
Usage: task [task-options] trace [test-options]

-h, --help                  show this help message and exit
--algorithm=ALGORITHM       Trace algorithm
--as                        Find AS for each hop
--no-as                     Don't find AS for each hop
-d DEST, --dest=DEST        Destination host
--ip-version=IPVERSION      IP Version
--length=LENGTH             Packet length
--probe-type=PROBETYPE      Probe type
--fragment                  Allow fragmentation
--no-fragment               Don't allow fragmentation
--first-ttl=FIRSTTTL        First TTL value
-s SOURCE, --source=SOURCE  Source address
--source-node=SOURCE_NODE   Source address
--hops=HOPS                 Maximum number of hops
--queries=QUERIES           Queries sent per hop
--hostnames                 Resolve IPs to host names
--no-hostnames              Don't resolve IPs to host names
--dest-port=DESTPORT        Destination port
--wait=WAIT                 Wait time
--sendwait=SENDWAIT         Wait time between probes
--ip-tos=IP_TOS             IP type-of-service octet (integer)

The currently supported trace tools are traceroute, tracepath, paris-traceroute. traceroute is the default.


Please note that if you have a server that has more then one network interface the tracepath tool does not provide an option to select the outgoing source interface.

http Tests

HTTP tests support the following arguments:

pscheduler task http --help
Usage: task [task-options] http [test-options]

-h, --help             show this help message and exit
--url=URL              URL to query
--header=HEADERS       HTTP header for request, format 'HeaderName: Value'.
                       May be repeated.
--parse=PARSE          String to parse for
--host=HOST            Host to run the test
--host-node=HOST_NODE  Host to run the test
                       Specificy which IP version to use, 4 or 6
--always-succeed       Treat HTTP failures as successes, regardless of
                       response code
                       Amount of content to keep in bytes; default none, 0
                       for no limit, SI units supported
--timeout=TIMEOUT      Timeout for each query attempt

dns Tests

DNS tests support the following arguments:

pscheduler task dns --help
Usage: task [task-options] dns [test-options]

-h, --help               show this help message and exit
--host=HOST              Host to run the test
--host-node=HOST_NODE    Host to run the test
--nameserver=NAMESERVER  Nameserver to query
--record=RECORD          Record type to query  (One of a, aaaa, ns, cname, soa, ptr, mx and txt)
--query=QUERY            String to query
--timeout=TIMEOUT        Timeout for each query attempt