MaDDash API Reference¶
This page describes the Monitoring and Debugging Dashboard (MaDDash) API. The API uses a JSON data format and attempts to adhere closely to principles of REST. The interface provides access to the following types of resources:
Dashboard: A collection of one or more grid resources. The grouping of grids into a dashboard as defined by the creator of the dashboard resource.
Grid: A two-dimensional representation of one or more rows and columns of checks that measure some value between entities represented by the column value (x) and row value (y).
Check: The output of a task performed using the column value (x) and the row value (y) as input.
Column: A collection of checks that share a common x value.
Row: A collection of checks that share a common y value
Cell: A collection of checks that share a common x and y value
A visual representation of these resources is provided in the figure below: