Registering GridFTP Results to Esmond¶
The Esmond client package includes a script capable of parsing GridFTP server transfer logs and registering data such as throughput and packet-retransmits to a central esmond server. This document describes how to install, configure and run this script.
Preparing Your Environment¶
Preparing Your GridFTP Server(s)¶
On the system you wish to install the script you will need the following software:
- GridFTP server 6.0 or newer
See the Fasterdata GridFTP page for install instructions
- Python 2.7
Many modern OSes come with this pre-installed. CentOS 6/RHEL 6 users see Installing Python 2.7 on CentOS 6/RHEL 6 for special instructions.
- The esmond-client Python package
Preparing Your Measurement Archive¶
You will need an esmond installation on a different host where you can store the results, often referred to as a Measurement Archive (MA). It needs to be on a different host to prevent conflicts with packages installed by GridFTP and esmond. The esmond installation that comes on the perfSONAR Toolkit can serve this purpose. Likewise you can install a standalone esmond instance by following the instructions at Deploying a Central Measurement Archive.
Once you have a measurement archive, you will need to create credentials so that the GridFTP log parser can register data to it. The credentials take the form of a username and API key. If you have multiple GridFTP servers you may allow them to share the same credentials or create them each individual credentials. Sharing is simpler to manage and individual accounts make it easier to revoke access at a later date for an individual host. The decision is up to you and/or the MA administrator, but you may create an account by logging-in to the host running esmond and issuing the following commands (you may replace gridftp with the name of the user you want to add):
cd /opt/esmond
source /opt/rh/python27/enable
. bin/activate
python esmond/ add_api_key_user gridftp
IMPORTANT: The last command will output an API key that should be noted for later configuration steps.
You may re-run the commands in this section at any time if you forget the API key and they will output the existing key.
Installing Python 2.7 on CentOS 6/RHEL 6¶
If you are running CentOS 6 or RHEL 6 then you do not have the required version (2.7) of python installed. Luckily, each provides a special Software Collections repository that makes his available. Below are the commands you can use to install and configure python 2.7:
yum install centos-release-SCL
yum clean all
yum install python27
mkdir -p /opt/esmond-gridftp
cd /opt/esmond-gridftp
source /opt/rh/python27/enable
/opt/rh/python27/root/usr/bin/virtualenv --prompt="(esmond-gridftp)" .
Make sure you are using the bash shell when you run the commands above
Installing esmond-client Python package¶
If you are running CentOS6/RHEL 6 run the following to get in your Python 2.7 environment:
cd /opt/esmond-gridftp
source /opt/rh/python27/enable
. bin/activate
Run the following to install the package:
pip install esmond-client
Running the Log Parser¶
Running Manually¶
Assuming you followed all the installation steps you should be able to run a set of commands similar to the following:
cd /opt/esmond-gridftp
source /opt/rh/python27/enable
. bin/activate
python /opt/esmond-gridftp/bin/esmond-ps-load-gridftp -f /var/log/gridftp-transfer.log -p /opt/esmond-gridftp/load_grid_ftp.pickle -l /var/log/ -U -u gridftp -k ABCDEF1234567890
If you are not running CentOS 6 or RHEL 6 then you only need to run the last command
The first time you call esmond-ps-load-gridftp it may take several minutes to complete if you have a large log file.
The esmond-ps-load-gridftp script has a number of options but the most commonly used ones are in the example above. For a complete listing see the -h option of esmond-ps-load-gridftp. A description of the options used in the example are as follows:
-f is the path to the GridFTP log file to be parsed. In general it will be found at /var/log/gridftp-transfer.log but may be different depending on the system. You will know it’s the correct log file if it has lines like the following:
DATE=20150407145945.113944 PROG=globus-gridftp-server NL.EVNT=FTP_INFO START=20150407145936.596363 USER=anonymous FILE=/data1/100M.dat BUFFER=87380 BLOCK=262144 NBYTES=100000000 VOLUME=/ STREAMS=5 STRIPES=1 DEST=[] TYPE=RETR CODE=226 retrans=36,17,27,25,61
-p is the path to a file used by the ‘esmond-ps-load-gridftp’ script to keep track of what lines it has already parsed between runs. This file will be created if it doesn’t already exist. If you delete this file, the script may complain about trying to register data that is already in the measurement archive.
-l is the directory to keep log files generated by ‘esmond-ps-load-gridftp’ to track its own progress and report parsing errors, etc. This is NOT the GridFTP server log, so don’t confuse it with -f.
-U is the URL of your esmond measurement archive. It should begin with http:// or https:// and end with /esmond usually. The hostname in between should be the name of the host where you want the data sent.
-u is the username used to authenticate to esmond. You should have set this up in Preparing Your Measurement Archive.
-k is the API key used to authenticate to esmond. You should have set this up in Preparing Your Measurement Archive.
-J is used when you want it to parse the JSON formatted GridFTP logs
Running in Cron¶
Most likely you will not want to run that by hand, rather you’ll want it to automatically register results over time. Currently the easiest way to do that is to create a new cron entry. If you are Running CentOS 6/RHEL 6 then you’ll fist want to create a shell script since you’ll need cron to use the correct python version each time. After that you can create the cron script. You may do this as follows:
Open a new file named /opt/esmond-gridftp/ with your favorite text editor and add the following (modifying the last line with the correct esmond URL (-U), username(-u) and API key (-k)):
#!/bin/bash cd /opt/esmond-gridftp source /opt/rh/python27/enable . bin/activate python /opt/esmond-gridftp/bin/esmond-ps-load-gridftp -f /var/log/gridftp-transfer.log -p /opt/esmond-gridftp/load_grid_ftp.pickle -l /var/log/ -U -u gridftp -k ABCDEF1234567890
Run the following command to give it execute permissions:
chmod 755 /opt/esmond-gridftp/
Open a new file at /etc/cron.d/esmond-gridftp.cron and add the following to parse the log every 15 minutes:
*/15 * * * * root /opt/esmond-gridftp/ &> /var/log/load_grid_ftp.out
You may change the cron schedule above if you would like it to run more or less frequently just as you would any other cron job. The main consideration is giving adequate time so multiple runs of the script don’t overlap and lead to unexpected results.
Using the Registered Data¶
What Information is Registered?¶
Esmond breaks information into metadata and data as described in esmond API Reference. The metadata describes the parameters of the GridFTP transfer. This includes the following (metadata field names in parentheses):
The source IP address (source)
The destination IP address (destination)
The fact that the tool used was gridftp (tool-name)
The number of parallel streams (bw-parallel-streams)
The TCP window size if set (tcp-window-size)
If file striping is used, the number of stripes (bw-stripes)
The GridFTP program used such as globus-gridftp-server(gridftp-program)
The block size used by GridFTP in the transfer(gridftp-block-size)
If you give the log scraper the -F option, the name of the file transferred (gridftp-file)
If you give the log scraper the -N option, the name of the user that made the transfer (gridftp-user)
If you give the log scraper the -V option, the name of the volume used in the transfer (gridftp-volume)
Likewise it registers the following types of data (event-type in parentheses):
Throughput (throughput)
Per stream packet retransmits (streams-packet-retransmits)
Error messages of failed transfers (failures)
If you want to learn more on how to search these values see esmond API Reference.
Displaying Results in a Dashboard¶
You may use MaDDash to display and alert on throughput results reported by GridFTP. The process for doing so is the same a configuring MaDDash for iperf results since the event type is the same. See the MaDDash configuration guide for more details.
If you are storing both iperf and GridFTP results in the same archive AND between the same source-destination pairs then you will need to manually add the –tool gridftp option to the command <psnagios-check> option in your maddash.yaml file.