The requirements for the perfsonar-core, perfsonar-toolkit, and perfsonar-centralmanagement bundles are a minimum of 2 cores and 4GB of RAM. The perfsonar-testpoint bundle may work with 2GB of RAM, but 4GB is recommended. The clock speed requirements depends on how fast your network is, but we recommend at least 2GHz cores in general, and 2.8GHz or higher if you want to test 10G paths.
For more information see Detailed Information on perfSONAR Hardware Requirements.
In general we do not recommend running perfSONAR on a VM unless you have a way to guarantee a certain amount of NIC bandwidth for the perfSONAR VM. Otherwise its very hard to interpret the results. But if a VM is your only option, perfSONAR can still be quite helpful for troubleshooting.
For more information see Detailed Information on perfSONAR on Virtual Machines.
While not yet fully supported, perfSONAR tools seem to work well in a Linux container such as Docker. See: DockerHub
perfSONAR can also be run on very small cheap hardware with varying level of success. There are a variety of perfSONAR use cases where low-end hardware may make sense. These include:
For more information see perfSONAR on Low-cost Hardware.