Appendix: Check Type Specific Parameters

Nagios Check

This is a type of check that represents a Nagios command.



Name Type Description
command string The nagios command templates used when running this check


Name Type Description
<nagios-stat> string A nagios command can return an arbitrary set of key value pairs that report statistics about a check (e.g. mean, meadian, standard deviation, etc). These statics are mapped into this field as string key value pairs.

perfSONAR Nagios Check

This is a type of check that represents a Nagios command written as part of the perfSONAR-PS toolkit. It inherits all the fields of * in addition to a few related to retrieving graphs.* The fields specific to this check are listed below.



Name Type Description
metaDataKeyLookup string Template for the URL to a script the metadata key can be retrieved. This is used by some perfSONAR instances to retrieve graph results
maUrl object Contains templates for accessing a host’s Measurement Archive (MA)
maUrl.default object The default Measurement Archive (MA) URL template if no host specific URL provided
maUrl.<hostname> object A Measurement Archive(MA) URL template where you can get results for a specific host. Available if a specific MA has a different URL structure then other hosts (e.g. runs on different port).


Name Type Description
graphUrl string The full URL where a graph of data relevant to the check can be retrieved.
maUrl string The full URL of the perfSONAR Measurement Archive (MA) you can contact to get data related to this check