
Retrieving a single check


The request is a HTTP GET to the check URL. See below for full summary:

URL /maddash/grids/<grid-name>/<row-name>/<column-name>/<check-name>

URL Parameters

Name Value
resultsPerPage The maximum number of results to return in the history object. Defaults to 10.
page The page of results to display. It will start with the result at numResults * page (starting with 0 and ordered from newest to oldest check result). Defaults to 0.


Type: application/json

Field Type Required Description
gridName string Yes The name of the grid that contains this check
rowName string Yes The name of the row that contains this check
colName string Yes The name of the column that contains this check
checkName string Yes The name of the check
description string Yes A description of the check
prevCheckTime long Yes A Unix timestamp (in seconds) when the check previously ran
nextCheckTime long Yes A Unix timestamp (in seconds) when the check will run next
status int Yes The current status of the check. See the Status-Codes table for values.
returnCode int Yes The current status of the check. See the Status-Codes table for values.
message string Yes The last message returned by the check
type string Yes The type of check
params Object Yes Type specific check configuration parameters
returnCodeCount int Yes The number of times a the returnCode was seen if its different than the current status. 0 if same as status.
checkInterval int Yes The time in between checks if the returnCode and status are the same
retryInterval int Yes The time in between checks if the status and returnCode are different
retryAttempts int Yes The number of times a returnCode different than the status must be seen before changing the status
globalReport Report Object No A report of any problems affecting the parent grid of this check
rowReport Report Object No A report of any problems affecting the row of this check
collReport Report Object No A report of any problems affecting the column of this check
historyPageCount int Yes The number of pages available for the history. Assumes the current result set size.
historyResultsPerPage int Yes The maximum number of results per page. Echos the resultsPerPage URL parameter.
history array of objects Yes An array of previous results for this check. If page is 0 then teh first check is the most recent check run
history[n].time long Yes A Unix timestamp (seconds) when the check was run.
history[n].returnCode int Yes The return code of this check. See the Status-Codes table for values.
history[n].message string Yes The message returned by this check
history[n].returnParams object Yes Type specific parameters returned by this check
history[n].returnCodeCount int Yes The number of times this return code was seen, if different than the status. 0 if same as status.
history[n].status int Yes The status of the check at the time this check was run


   "gridName":"ESnet - 100G ESnet Hub to 100G ESnet Hub Throughput Testing",
   "checkName":"Throughput Reverse",
   "description":"Throughput from to",
   "message":" Average throughput is 9.066Gbps ",
      "graphUrl": "",
      "command":"/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/ -u %maUrl -w 5: -c 1: -r 86400 -s %col -d %row -p tcp",
      "maUrl": ""
         "message":" Average throughput is 9.066Gbps ",
         "message":" Average throughput is 8.278Gbps ",
         "message":" Average throughput is 8.278Gbps ",
         "message":" Average throughput is 7.947Gbps ",
         "message":" Average throughput is 8.198Gbps ",
         "message":" Average throughput is 8.443Gbps ",
         "message":" Average throughput is 9.008Gbps ",
         "message":" Average throughput is 8.780Gbps ",
         "message":" Average throughput is 8.841Gbps ",
         "message":" Average throughput is 9.169Gbps ",
            "name":"Entire grid has OK status.",

Rescheduling checks


The request is a HTTP POST that must be authenticated using HTTP BASIC authentication:

URL /maddash/admin/schedule

JSON Parameters

Name Type | Required Value
checkFilters JSON Object Yes A JSON object with filters that select which checks will be rescheduled
checkFilters.gridName JSON Array or String No A JSON array with the list of grids to select. Undefined or the string * means to match every thing.
checkFilters.rowName JSON Array or String No A JSON array with the list of rows to select. Undefined or the string * means to match every thing.
checkFilters.columnName JSON Array or String No A JSON array with the list of columns to select. Undefined or the string * means to match every thing.
checkFilters.checkName JSON Array or String No A JSON array with the list of checks to select. Undefined or the string * means to match every thing.
checkFilters.dimensionName JSON Array or String No A JSON array with the list of columns or rows to select. Undefined or the string * means to match every thing.
nextCheckTime UNIX timestamp No A UNIX timestamp indicating when the check should next run


    "checkFilters": {
        "gridName": ["BWCTL"],
        "rowName": [""],
        "columnName": "*",
        "checkName": "*",
    "nextCheckTime": 1421864236


Type: application/json

Field Type Required Description
status integer Yes A value of 0 means the operation succeeded. Non-zero means an error occurred.
checkUpdateCount integer Yes The number of checks updated by this operation
message string Yes A message describing the result of the operation


    "status": 0,
    "checkUpdateCount": 12,
    "message": "Successfully updated 12 checks"